The Volunteers “L”, 2024
Commissioned by PEOPLELIKEPEOPLE, The Volunteers

Teaser Poster for The Volunteers, 2024
Poster, 420×594mm
Commissioned by PEOPLELIKEPEOPLE, The Volunteers

집 ZIP, 2024
Poster, 420×594mm

Commissioned by ARKO Art Center

Wonhae Hwang—Hydra Square, 2024
Poster, 420×594mm

Commissioned by Wonhae Hwang

15th Gwangju Biennale Pavilion, 2024
Poster, 420×594mm

Commissioned by Gwangju Biennale

CHEEZE 『We Were Held By the SEA』

Commissioned by MoodMingle

Exploration for Desire
Poster, Digital Print, 420×594mm

Commissioned by DAEJU COLLECTIVE

Drawing for «Exploration for Desire»

Commissioned by DAEJU COLLECTIVE

Identity design for DAEJU COLLECTIVE, 2024

Commissioned by DAEJU COLLECTIVE
다양한 형태의 영문 알파벳이 뭉친 로고타입으로, 업계를 폭넓게 수용하는 대주 콜렉티브의 아이덴티티를 부각시켰다. 마찬가지로 직선과 곡선, 원형과 사각형, 삼각형 등 다양한 조형 요소가 합쳐진 말풍선 같은 그래픽을 심볼로 삼았다.

「춤을 추면, 혹시나 We Used to Dance」
Poster, Offset Print, 600×900mm

Commissioned by Graphic/PropagandaJEONJU International Film Festival, Dokho Shin
Movie Director: Jihong Kim
100 FILMS 100 POSTERS, JEONJU International Film Festival, Jeonju, 2024.
The movie We Used to Dance is about a couple. Reflecting on that, the stage was divided in half; above, designed by Gukhan Kim in Seoul, and below, designed by Dokyun Moon in Toronto. Gukhan focused on the gestures of the dance, while Dokyun concentrated on the visual patterns that repeatedly appear in the film. The memories of the two individuals about memory are so different.

ⓒ Gu, 2024.