위키피디아 한국어판 2000–2014 탄생과 사망 등재 인물
The individuals recorded in the births and deaths section of the Korean version of Wikipedia from 2000 to 2014
Book, Inkjet Print, 210×297mm
Edited and designed by Gukhan Kim and Jongho Kim
연표 “위키피디아 한국어판 2000–2014 탄생과 사망 등재 인물”을 옮긴 책. 마진과 쪽번호를 더하고 목차와 크레딧을 추가로 만들어 인쇄해 5mm 세네카를 주어 자른 표지와 함께 책철제본 했다.
A book transcribing the timeline 'Individuals Recorded in Births and Deaths Section of Korean Wikipedia 2000–2014.' Margins and page numbers were added, and a table of contents and credits were created before printing.

ⓒ Gu, 2024.